Yearly Budget
An estimated budget is created each year for NanKyu and sent to JALT's main office. Below, please find the overall budget and a breakdown of the funds available for events. These numbers may vary or change as actual numbers become available and as funds are utilized.
Any NanKyu member can apply to use these funds for local events, big or small. You can apply here
Yearly Budget
In the year 2019-20, an excess of 80 828 yen was carried over. This is partly due to events being cancelled to COVID-19. As you can see in our budget 2020-21, our goal is to be cash flow neutral.
Please submit ideas for events, anything that can be a catalyst for sharing ideas. This could be formal presentations or a request for coffee and snacks for a community meeting. We are also able to host Google Meetings for your events.
To qualify, at a basic level, events must be open to non-members and permission to advertise must be given to the NanKyu chapter. Apply here, incomplete applications are acceptable.
If you have any concerns with our budget, please contact us.
Event Funds
For the sake of transparency, here is a breakdown of event costs. Our SUTLF conference is typically a large expense, but is generally budget neutral as event fees, city grants, and university grants are expected to cover the costs.
Last year, only 25 000 yen was claimed for local events. This is partly due to the new system and uncertainty with budget. This year, we are hoping to use 6X those funds. Perhaps it will be difficult with most of us limiting our travel. In which case, there will be even more funds available next year. Get creative with your events.
Event funds are available for transportation expenses under certain circumstances. These are typically for the SUTLF conference or for students going to other conferences. If you are interested, send an email. There are often conditions, such as writing a conference report.
While there are many officer meetings and other activities that utilize the time of officers, once a year an officer dinner is planned with up to 2000 yen per officer contributed to meal costs.
Transfers to other SIGs or organizations are related to SUTLF conferences and agreements we put in place with them.